
pgs. 444 and 445...while the angels were ministering unto the disciples, behold Jesus came and stood in the midst and ministered unto them.

31 But if he repent not he shall not be numbered among my people, that he may not destroy my people, for behold I aknow bmy sheep, and they are numbered.
32 Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out of your asynagogues, or your places of worship, for unto such shall ye continue to minister; for ye know not but what they will return and repent, and come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I shall bheal them; and ye shall be the means of bringing salvation unto them.
33 Therefore, keep these sayings which I have commanded you that ye come not under acondemnation; for wo unto him whom the Father condemneth.
34 And I give you these commandments because of the disputations which have been among you. And blessed are ye if ye have ano disputations among you.
35 And now I go unto the Father, because it is expedient that I should go unto the Father afor your sakes.
36 And it came to pass that when Jesus had made an end of these sayings, he touched with his ahand the bDisciples whom he had chosen, one by one, even until he had touched them all, and spake unto them as he touched them.
37 And the multitude heard not the words which he spake, therefore they did not bear record; but the Disciples bare record that he gave them apower to give the bHoly Ghost. And I will show unto you chereafter that this record is true.
38 And it came to pass that when Jesus had touched them all, there came a acloud and overshadowed the multitude that they could not see Jesus.
39 And while they were overshadowed he adeparted from them, and ascended into heaven. And the Disciples saw and did bear record that he ascended again into heaven.
The Twelve Disciples minister unto the people and pray for the Holy Ghost—They are baptized and receive the Holy Ghost and the ministering of angels—Jesus prays using words that cannot be written—He attests to the exceedingly great faith of these Nephites. [A.D. 34]
1 And now it came to pass that when Jesus had ascended into heaven, the multitude did disperse, and every man did take his wife and his children and did return to his own home.
2 And it was noised abroad among the people immediately, before it was yet dark, that the multitude had seen Jesus, and that he had ministered unto them, and that he would also show himself on the amorrow unto the multitude.
3 Yea, and even all the night it was noised abroad concerning Jesus; and insomuch did they send forth unto the people that there were many, yea, an exceedingly great number, did labor exceedingly all that night, that they might be on the morrow in the place where Jesus should show himself unto the multitude.
4 And it came to pass that on the morrow, when the multitude was gathered together, behold, Nephi and his abrother whom he had raised from the bdead, whose name was Timothy, and also his son, whose name was Jonas, and also Mathoni, and Mathonihah, his brother, and Kumen, and Kumenonhi, and Jeremiah, and Shemnon, and Jonas, and Zedekiah, and Isaiah—now these were the cnames of the ddisciples whom Jesus had chosen—and it came to pass that they went forth and stood in the midst of the multitude.
5 And behold, the multitude was aso great that they did cause that they should be separated into twelve bodies.
6 And the twelve did teach the multitude; and behold, they did cause that the multitude should akneel down upon the face of the earth, and should pray unto the Father in the name of Jesus.
7 And the disciples did pray unto the Father also in the name of Jesus. And it came to pass that they arose and ministered unto the people.
8 And when they had ministered those same words which Jesus had spoken—nothing varying from the words which Jesus had spoken—behold, they knelt again and prayed to the Father in the name of Jesus.
9 And they did pray for that which they most desired; and they desired that the aHoly Ghost should be given unto them.
10 And when they had thus prayed they went down unto the water’s edge, and the multitude followed them.
11 And it came to pass that Nephi went down ainto the water and was bbaptized.
12 And he came up out of the water and began to baptize. And he baptized all those whom Jesus had chosen.
13 And it came to pass when they were all baptized and had come aup out of the water, the bHoly Ghost did fall upon them, and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and with fire.
14 And behold, they were aencircled about as if it were by fire; and it came down from heaven, and the multitude did witness it, and did bear record; and angels did come down out of heaven and did minister unto them.
15 And it came to pass that while the angels were ministering unto the disciples, behold, Jesus came and stood in the midst and ministered unto them.
16 And it came to pass that he spake unto the multitude, and commanded them that they should kneel down again upon the earth, and also that his disciples should kneel down upon the earth.
17 And it came to pass that when they had all knelt down upon the earth, he commanded his disciples that they should pray.
18 And behold, they began to pray; and they did pray unto Jesus, calling him their Lord and their God.
19 And it came to pass that Jesus departed out of the midst of them, and went a little way off from them and abowed himself to the earth, and he said:
20 Father, I thank thee that thou hast given the Holy Ghost unto these whom I have achosen; and it is because of their belief in me that I have chosen them out of the world.
21 Father, I pray thee that thou wilt give the Holy Ghost unto all them that shall believe in their words.

It must have been so exciting for those who were invited by their friends to come to the place where they had seen the Savior so they could meet Him the next day. Can you imagine? It makes my heart beat faster just thinking about that emotion! The next morning as they were waiting for the arrival of the Savior the 12 apostles taught them and prayed with them. Chapter 19 focuses so much on prayer, in fact the words pray, prayed or praying are mentioned 28 times. This reminds us that to be close to the Savior and prepare ourselves to meet Him someday prayer is vital.