
pgs. 482 and 483...Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me...

13 Behold, I make an end of speaking concerning this people. I am the son of Mormon, and my father was a adescendant of Nephi.
14 And I am the same who ahideth up this record unto the Lord; the plates thereof are of no worth, because of the commandment of the Lord. For he truly saith that no one shall have them bto get gain; but the record thereof is of cgreat worth; and whoso shall bring it to light, him will the Lord bless.
15 For none can have power to bring it to light save it be given him of God; for God wills that it shall be done with an aeye single to his glory, or the welfare of the ancient and long dispersed covenant people of the Lord.
16 And blessed be ahe that shall bring this thing to light; for it shall be bbrought out of darkness unto light, according to the word of God; yea, it shall be brought out of the earth, and it shall shine forth out of darkness, and come unto the knowledge of the people; and it shall be done by the power of God.
17 And if there be afaults they be the faults of a man. But behold, we know no fault; nevertheless God knoweth all things; therefore, he that bcondemneth, let him be aware lest he shall be in danger of hell fire.
18 And he that saith: Show unto me, or ye shall be asmitten—let him beware lest he commandeth that which is forbidden of the Lord.
19 For behold, the same that ajudgeth brashly shall be judged rashly again; for according to his works shall his wages be; therefore, he that smiteth shall be smitten again, of the Lord.
20 Behold what the scripture says—man shall not asmite, neither shall he bjudge; for judgment is mine, saith the Lord, and vengeance is mine also, and I will repay.
21 And he that shall breathe out awrath and bstrifes against the work of the Lord, and against the ccovenant people of the Lord who are the house of Israel, and shall say: We will destroy the work of the Lord, and the Lord will not remember his covenant which he hath made unto the house of Israel—the same is in danger to be hewn down and cast into the fire;
22 For the eternal apurposes of the Lord shall roll on, until all his promises shall be fulfilled.
23 Search the prophecies of aIsaiah. Behold, I cannot write them. Yea, behold I say unto you, that those saints who have gone before me, who have possessed this land, shall bcry, yea, even from the dust will they cry unto the Lord; and as the Lord liveth he will remember the covenant which he hath made with them.
24 And he knoweth their aprayers, that they were in behalf of their brethren. And he knoweth their faith, for in his name could they remove bmountains; and in his name could they cause the earth to shake; and by the power of his word did they cause cprisons to tumble to the earth; yea, even the fiery furnace could not harm them, neither wild beasts nor poisonous serpents, because of the power of his word.
25 And behold, their aprayers were also in behalf of him that the Lord should suffer to bring these things forth.
26 And no one need say they shall not come, for they surely shall, for the Lord hath spoken it; for aout of the earth shall they come, by the hand of the Lord, and none can stay it; and it shall come in a day when it shall be said that bmiracles are done away; and it shall come even as if one should speak cfrom the dead.
27 And it shall come in a day when the ablood of saints shall cry unto the Lord, because of secret bcombinations and the works of darkness.
28 Yea, it shall come in a day when the power of God shall be adenied, and bchurches become defiled and be clifted up in the pride of their hearts; yea, even in a day when leaders of churches and teachers shall rise in the pride of their hearts, even to the envying of them who belong to their churches.
29 Yea, it shall come in a day when athere shall be heard of fires, and tempests, and bvapors of smoke in foreign lands;
30 And there shall also be heard of awars, rumors of wars, and earthquakes in divers places.
31 Yea, it shall come in a day when there shall be great apollutions upon the face of the earth; there shall be bmurders, and robbing, and lying, and deceivings, and whoredoms, and all manner of abominations; when there shall be many who will say, Do this, or do that, and it cmattereth not, for the Lord will duphold such at the last day. But wo unto such, for they are in the egall of bitterness and in the fbonds of iniquity.
32 Yea, it shall come in a day when there shall be achurches built up that shall say: Come unto me, and for your money you shall be forgiven of your sins.
33 O ye wicked and perverse and astiffnecked people, why have ye built up churches unto yourselves to get bgain? Why have ye ctransfigured the holy word of God, that ye might bring ddamnation upon your souls? Behold, look ye unto the erevelations of God; for behold, the time cometh at that day when all these things must be fulfilled.
34 Behold, the Lord hath shown unto me great and marvelous things concerning that which must shortly come, at that day when these things shall come forth among you.
35 Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.
36 And I know that ye do awalk in the pride of your hearts; and there are none save a few only who do not blift themselves up in the pride of their hearts, unto the wearing of cvery fine apparel, unto envying, and strifes, and malice, and persecutions, and all manner of iniquities; and your churches, yea, even every one, have become polluted because of the pride of your hearts.

Moroni's testimony of the importance of this record and it's importance for us today is a powerful message to all of us. It reinforces what we have heard so many times before about the incredible importance of the Book of Mormon to us TODAY. President Benson said this about it:

“The Book of Mormon was written for us today. God is the author of the book. It is a record of a fallen people, compiled by inspired men for our blessing today. Those people never had the book—it was meant for us. Mormon, the ancient prophet after whom the book is named, abridged centuries of records. God, who knows the end from the beginning, told him what to include in his abridgment that we would need for our day. Mormon turned the records over to his son Moroni, the last recorder; and Moroni, writing over 1,500 years ago but speaking to us today, states: ‘Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.’ (Morm. 8:35.) . . .

“As we read and teach, we are to liken the Book of Mormon scriptures unto us ‘that it might be for our profit and learning.’ (1 Ne. 19:23.)” (Ezra Taft Benson, in Conference Report, Apr. 1975, pp. 94–95; or Ensign, May 1975, pp. 63–64).